Teacher's Workshop

Managing Kids At-Risk III

Managing Kids At-Risk III

Virginia Beach Resort Hotel, Virginia Beach, Virginia June 25-29, 2000

Dr. Robert Brooks

Keynote Speaker

Touching the Hearts and Minds of Students and Fostering Motivation, Hope, and Resilience in At-Risk Kids

Dr. Robert Brooks

Dr. David Sousa

Dr. David Sousa

Presenting Translating Brain Research into Classroom Practice

Alan Foust

Presenting Classroom Safety and School Security

Alan Foust

Dr. Debra Prigge

Dr. Debra Prigge

Presenting Emotional Intelligence and Assessment of Discipline Problems


Richard Ramsey

Presenting Motivating Minority Students

Richard Ramsey


Dr. William Bender

presenting Violence Prevention and Reduction in Schools and Working with ADHD Kids


Dr. Carolyn Conklin

presenting Brain-Friendly strategies for Problem Kids and Alternative School Strategies

All major sessions are presented in an interactive, 3 hour workshop format! Registration is $399 per person ($359 earlybird registration before April 15, 2000) Keynote luncheon (Monday) and Coffee & Danish Breakfasts (each morning) included.

The Virginia Beach Resort Hotel (800) 468-2722

Conference Room Rate: $132 per night for single, double, triple, or quad

Participant Presentations/Call for Proposals!

This conference will also feature one-hour participant presentations on various topics relating to working with at-risk students. Proposals will be accepted until April 15, 2000.

View the Call for Proposals