21st Century Classroom

This video begins with a showcase of a 21st Century School. Teachers see multimedia applications, a CD-ROM based library, internet instruction, and full e-mail capabilities utilized for instruction. Ms. Pat Tilson, a practitioner in a junior high classroom, describes her internet teaching experiences Ms. Lucy Levy of Turner Adventure Learning shares the advantages of a distance education field trip. Ms. Lynn Regan, an IBM Teacher of the Year, will describe her students' project to develop multimedia.
2 videos, manual, curriculum materials $99.95 U.S.

Technology Options In the Classroom of Tomorrow: Videotape I

Renet L. Bender, Ph.D., & William N. Bender, Ph.D.
Introduction To Technology Applications William N. Bender

Lany A. Ryle High School: A 21st Century School

Making Technology Happen An Interview with Randy Cooper, Principal

Teaching Via the Internet Pat Tilson, Teacher

Beyond Computer Assisted Instruction! New Technology Options: Videotape II

Renet L. Bender, Ph.D., & William N. Bender, Ph.D.
Beyond Computer Assisted Instruction William N. Bender

Flammingowatch! A Distance Education Field Trip Example Turner Educational Productions

Using the Distance Education Field Trip In the Classroom Ms. Lucy Levy, Turner Educational Productions

Distance Education Field Trip Options William N. Bender

Using Multimedia: A Classroom Example Ms. Lynn Regan, the IBM Teacher of the Year

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