"21st Century Schools and Beyond" Evaluation
A Teleconference Inservice for Teachers from
The Teacher's Workshop
This telecast series aired during October 1996 and was downlinked in 41 states and Canada with an extimated 10,000 participants.
Site Facilitator's Evaluation
This evaluation was conducted by telephone during and after the 21st Century Schools and Beyond inservice telecast. Forty-three facilitators were available to respond, and every evaluation indicator was calculated into these figures.
(1) How did the inservice go?
Positive responses: 26
Negative responses: None
(2) How many participants did you have? Average 13.6
(3) On a scale of one to five, with five as the highest, how would you rate the overall quality of this inservice? Average 4.41
(4) How would you rate the quality of our curriculum materials? Average 4.56
(5) How useful were the video shots of strategy application? Average 4.68
(6) How would you rate the service and helpfulness of our staff? Average 4.88
Audience Participants Evaluation
The following evaluation questions were included in the curriculum packet, and were thus answered by audience members rather than site facilitators. Each question was answered on a scale ranging from 1 (disagree) to 5 (agree). Averages for 339 teachers and other audience participants from 41 different sites were tallied, which included every response we received. As these indicators suggest, teachers and other educators were very satisfied with this inservice.
(1) I think the video segments were useful. 4.06
(2) I would like more practical strategies. 4.12
(3) The handouts will help in my class. 3.28
(4) This was an effective inservice overall. 4.00