The Learning and the Brain Series

Only $695 for These 3 Workshops!

All telecasts air from 4:00 to 6:00 PM Eastern

March 4, 1999 - Brain-Focused Teaching

Dr. David Sousa Dr. Debra Prigge

Dr. David Sousa, one of the leading researchers in brain based learning and author of How the Brain Learns, will focus on the emerging brain research and practical implications of that research for the classroom. Dr. Sousa is considered one of the most effective presenters in education today, and your teachers and educational professionals need to hear from him about this exciting area. This two-hour inservice will include a model of the learning process and new insights into the various components of learning. Dr. Debra Prigge will also focus directly on classroom strategies stemming from the research on learning and the brain. Curriculum materials accompany the telecast, and participants may also interact with speakers on-line for in-depth follow-up.

March 25, 1999 - Emerging Instructional Options

Ms. Miriam Georg Dr. Delores Carson

The emerging issues surrounding Multiple Intelligences have become a major focus nationally, and Ms. Miriam Georg is one of the most effective presenters in this area. A former teacher, educational consultant and keynote speaker, Ms. Georg brings her past experiences to bear on the MI concept and practical applications for the classroom, including assessment strategies. Dr. Delores Carson of Harding University will also present on the practical relationship between MI and Inclusion in the classroom. Video examples will be included to demonstrate the strategies described.

April 15, 1999 - Views of Intelligence

William Haggart Dr. Francie Murry

Along with differing views of intelligence, the concept of learning styles has received increasing research attention. William Haggart, author of The PLS Student Learning Styles Inventory, will focus on assessment of varied learning styles, with practical implementation suggestions. Also, Dr. Francie Murry will demonstrate, via video examples from actual classrooms, the instructional implications of Emotional Intelligences. Curriculum materials accompany the telecast, and participants are invited to call in their questions live to telecast speakers, as well as post comments and survey responses online.

How to participate