November 6, 1997: Developing Your Disciplinary Plan
Relational Classroom DisciplineMr. Bill Page, Consultant & Educator
Conferring with ParentsMs. Miriam Georg, Educational Consultant
This two-hour inservice teleconference will feature several presentations plus school-based video segments that focus on classroom management issues for today's teachers. Topics will include a relational approach to classroom discipline as well as the art of conferring with parents as part of the overall classroom management strategy. Speakers include Mr. Bill Page, a consultant and former teacher known nationally for his down-to-earth presentations on practical classroom issues, and Ms. Miriam Georg, also a consultant and former teacher, who is known for her outstanding work with Performance Learning Systems in the area of teacher/parent relationships and other critical topics. Participants will be provided with a set of curriculum materials to accompany the telecast. They will also be invited to call in their questions live to telecast speakers, as well as post comments and survey responses online.
November 20, 1997: Finding Your Disciplinary Style
Discipline in a NutshellDr. Ed Frierson, Consultant
Parents as PartnersMs. Miriam Georg, Educational Consultant
This two-hour inservice teleconference will feature several presentations plus classroom video segments that focus on classroom management strategies for today's teachers. Topics will include the promotion of student self-discipline in the classroom, as well as tips for getting parents "on board" as partners with the teacher. Speakers include Dr. Ed Frierson, a popular speaker and former teacher known for his emphasis on building self-discipline in students, and Ms. Miriam Georg, also a consultant and former teacher, who is known for her outstanding work with Performance Learning Systems in the area of teacher/parent relationships and other critical topics. Participants will be provided with a set of curriculum materials to accompany the telecast. They will also be invited to call in their questions live to telecast speakers, as well as post comments and survey responses online.