Disciplined, Drug-Free, and Violence-Free Schools Survey

Please let us hear from you about how the issues of classroom discipline, drug abuse prevention, and violence reduction are addressed at your school.

Results compiled from this brief survey will be reported during the Teacher's Workshop Disciplined, Drug-Free, and Violence-Free Schools series, a satellite telecourse series airing November 12 & December 3, 1998.

Responding is easy! Just click on the circle beside your response to each question. When you are done, click on SUBMIT.

1. The most important single ingredient in my approach to classroom discipline would probably be:

Assertive Use of Consequences

Positive Reinforcement

Personal Rapport with Students

A Busy Learning Schedule

2. My school system:

Has an up-to-date crisis management plan in place

Has a crisis management plan that needs updating.

Does not have a crisis management plan that I am awareof.

3. Security measures at our district's secondary schools include:

(Check all that apply)

A school resource officer

Surveillance cameras

Metal Detectors

Use of School Uniforms

Banning of Bookbags

A peer mediation or conflict resolution program

None of the above

4. Drug abuse in my school is:

Present but not at crisis level

One of the school's most serious problems, and given ahigh priority by administrators

One of the school's most serious problems but is notbeing addressed adequately

Not really a problem