How Do I Begin Providing Distance Education Staff Development?
Renet L. Bender, Ph.D.
How Do I Access Staff Development Telecasts?
Staff development opportunities using telesatellite delivery abound. The magazine SATLINK is one of the most helpful sources of information. We urge great care, however, in selecting your staff development opportunity, and a checklist is available to assist you in finding a high quality staff development prior to purchase. The Teacher's Workshop Series is delivered via telesatellite to locations throughout the nation. When a sponsoring agency purchases the downlink and curriculum materials, the Teacher's Workshop series brings nationally known speakers and experts directly to your community via telesatellite. A satellite dish with a C-Band receiver is necessary at the downlink location in order to downlink the telecasts. Most schools, in-house or through their communities, have access to a satellite dish. Our staff can make helpful suggestions about where your school may be able to access a satellite location in your community for this teleconference series. Possible sites include public schools, cooperative agencies, community colleges, technical schools, and hospitals.
Can My Teachers Earn Credit?
Many school districts offer this series for staff development credit and the Teacher's Workshop Staff will assist local sponsors to make such credit available in your area. A one semester hour graduate education course is available in conjunction with these telecasts from Teacher's Workshop and Lindenwood University of St. Charles, Missouri for an additional per person fee of $89.
Call 1-800-991-1114 for more information on graduate course credit.
Can My District Recover the Costs?
The cost for the two-telecast series on each topic for 2000-2001 is $649. The cost for the four-telecast series for the 2000-2001 academic year is $1195. This includes extensive curriculum materials and videotaping rights for each purchased downlink. Rebroadcast licensing rights for a single school district, region, or state are available. You are allowed to recover the costs by charging a fee to the participants at your site. Several schools may combine resources and purchase the series, or request a purchase by the local PTA/PTO. If your agency administers staff development credit, you may incorporate this series into your own in-service activities, as a cost recovery mechanism. Our staff can suggest other strategies that are right for your school.