Teacher's Workshop Order Form

(Please print this form to send in your order.)

or call (800) 991-1114 (US) or (770) 725-8008 (outside the US)


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CREDIT CARD PURCHASES: The great majority of our customers purchase with a check or with a copy of their purchase order submitted along with the order form. We are also happy to accept your VISA or Mastercard purchase. However, we cannot accept your credit card from our website. Please add your credit card number and expiration date to the completed order form and fax to us at (706) 725-9177; or you may prefer to call us at (800) 991-1114.

Item Ordered

Quantity Ordered

Unit Cost

Total Cost

The ADD/ADHD Checklist - Sandra Rief  

$12.95 US

ADHD: Inclusive Instruction & Collaborative Practices - Rief (video)  

$99.00 US

Behavioral Intervention Planning - Patton  
$34.00 US
A Biological Brain in a Cultural Classroom - Sylwester  

$24.95 US

Brain-Based Learning - Sousa (video)  

$99.95 US

Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn't Fit All - Gregory/Chapman  

$27.95 US

Differentiated Instruction for Reading In the Content Areas - Chapman/King  

$21.95 US

Differentiated Instruction for Writing In the Content Areas - Chapman/King  
$21.95 US
Differentiating Instrucion for Students with Learning Disabilities (2nd Ed.) - Bender  

$34.95 US

Differentiated Instructional Strategies in Practice: Training, Implementation, and Supervision - Gregory  
$27.95 US
Differentiating Textbooks - Forsten/Grant/Hollas  
$24.95 US
Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education - Lickona/Lewis (video)  

$89.95 US

Essential Ingredients - Worsham/ASCD  

$23.95 US

How the Brain Learns, 2nd Edition -Sousa  

$39.95 US

How the Gifted Brain Learns - Sousa  

$34.95 US

How the Special Needs Brain Learns - Sousa  
$34.95 US
How the Special Needs Brain Learns - Sousa (video)  
$99.95 US
If the Shoe Fits: How to Develop Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom - Chapman  

$32.95 US

Multiple Assessments for Multiple Intelligences - Bellanca/Chapman/Swartz  
$38.95 US
Multiple Intelligences and The Second Language Learner - Gusman (video)  

$99.95 US

Multiple Intelligences Through Centers and Projects - Chapman/Freeman  

$35.95 US

Reading Strategies for Elementary Students with Learning Disabilities - Bender/Larkin  
$34.95 US
Relational Discipline: Strategies for In-Your-Face Kids - Bender  

$22.00 US

Response to Intervention: A Practical Guide for Every Teacher - Bender  

$27.95 US

Restructuring for Caring and Effective Education - Villa/Thousand  
$44.95 US
Test Success in the Brain-Compatible Classroom - Chapman/King  

$39.00 US

The Leadership Brain: How to Lead Today's Schools More Effectively - Sousa  
$34.95 US
Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites - Tate  

$27.95 US

  Subtotal of Order    
6% taxes (schools exempt)
For Shipping in US add the higher of $6.00 or 6%; for outside US call for estimate.      
Total Cost (US dollars)

Make checks or purchase orders payable to Teacher's Workshop and mail to:

Teacher's Workshop

3651 Mars Hill Road Suite 200A Watkinsville, GA 30677 Call: 1-800-991-1114


Purchase orders may be faxed to: (770) 725-9177