Basic Browsing and Posting
1. Select A homepage that's a good starting point for you. Schools on the Web:
For a more comprehensive list - there are more than 2,000 schools on the Web,
please refer to the *'d references. (This is just a sample to get you started
before you buy all those books!)
Elementary Schools:
- Hillside Elementary School; Cottage Grove, MN
- Punahou, Honolulu, HI
- University Park Elementary; Fairbanks, AK
- Carrollton Elementary School; Carrollton, GA
Secondary Schools:
- Akatsukayama High School; Kobe, Japan
- Belconnen High School: Hawker, ACT, Australia
- Bethel High School; Hampton, VA
- Birdville, Middle Schools; Fort Worth, TX
- Blacksburg Middle School: Blacksburg, VA
Higher Education:
For a list of American universities with Web pages, visit the Web site located
Places of Interest on the World-Wide Web
- Center for Disease Control
- The lastest information available from CDC
- Fed World
The hub for contacting more than 135 government bulletin boards and
- Lawrence Livemiore National Lab
Science and engineering resources. Images of weather, Shomaker Levy Comet,
- Yahoo - A Guide to WWW
- Links to many Web sites (educational resources)
- Ameritech
Checkout "Ameritech Schoolhouse" a guide to Internet resources for teachers,
students, and parents in Internet InfoCenter (located on the homepage).
- lnterNIC
Good source for Internet basics. Follow the path: Information
Services/InterNIC InfoGuide/Internet Resources/Education K-I 2/Gopher Menu.
- SunSITE and UNC
Interesting collection ranging from the Elvis HomePage, the Louvre, On the
Horizon (journal from the college of education), to multimedia.
- San Francisco's Exploratorium
- A Museum of science, art, human perception, and technology
- The World Health Organization
- Information from the WHO
- U.S. Department of Education
Up to date information from the US Department of Education. ERIC site.
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Teaching via the Internet home page
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