Basic Browsing and Posting

1. Select A homepage that's a good starting point for you. Schools on the Web: For a more comprehensive list - there are more than 2,000 schools on the Web, please refer to the *'d references. (This is just a sample to get you started before you buy all those books!)

Elementary Schools:

Secondary Schools:

Higher Education:

For a list of American universities with Web pages, visit the Web site located at: http://www.

Places of Interest on the World-Wide Web

Center for Disease Control
The lastest information available from CDC
Fed World
The hub for contacting more than 135 government bulletin boards and information.
Lawrence Livemiore National Lab
Science and engineering resources. Images of weather, Shomaker Levy Comet, etc.
Yahoo - A Guide to WWW
Links to many Web sites (educational resources)
Checkout "Ameritech Schoolhouse" a guide to Internet resources for teachers, students, and parents in Internet InfoCenter (located on the homepage).
Good source for Internet basics. Follow the path: Information Services/InterNIC InfoGuide/Internet Resources/Education K-I 2/Gopher Menu.
Interesting collection ranging from the Elvis HomePage, the Louvre, On the Horizon (journal from the college of education), to multimedia.
San Francisco's Exploratorium
A Museum of science, art, human perception, and technology
The World Health Organization
Information from the WHO
U.S. Department of Education
Up to date information from the US Department of Education. ERIC site.
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Call: 1-800-991-1114
Email us at: [email protected]