Bruce Campbell
Speaking/Consultation Areas: Brain-Based Learning, Teaching through Multiple IntelligencesPresentation Style: Hands-on Brain-Based Learning and Multiple Intelligencesworkshops with lessons demonstrated and classroom models described.
Mr. Bruce Campbell is a teacher who has developed a nationally acclaimed classroom model based upon Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Bruce has presented for the U.S. Department of Education and numerous state departments of education and consults for schools, districts, and universities throughout the country. He has published numerous articles and co-authored several books, including Teaching and Learning through Multiple Intelligences and Multiple Intelligences and Student Achievement: Success Stories from Six Schools. He is the author of The Multiple Intelligences Handbook: Lesson Plans and More, and is currently working on a new book that incorporates new insights from brain research. Bruce's classroom has been featured in a video funded by the U.S. Department of Education, in a feature story in USA Today and in newspapers throughout the country. He is presently a classroom teacher and Learning Specialist for the Marysville School District, doing demonstration teaching, curriculum development, and instructional planning with classroom teachers. Bruce was a featured speaker with Howard Gardner at Harvard University's first Multiple Intelligences institute in the summer of 1996.