Professional Resources for Educators

Books and Videotapes
Character Education

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Leadership: The Character Education Imperative Video featuring Mary C. Aranha

Effective leadership must include a commitment to the demonstration of sound character by all members of the learning community. Drawing from both classroom and administrative experience, Mary Aranha of the Maryland Department of Education presents a convincing case for the role of leadership in character development. $99.95 U.S.


Character Education: Restoring Respect & Responsibility in our Schools Video featuring Thomas Lickona, Ph.D.

Character Education

Thomas Lickona, a recognized leader in the Character Education movement, presents an insightful and compelling argument for the role of schools in the development of student respect, responsibility, and moral education. $79.95 U.S.

Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education Video featuring Thomas Lickona, Ph.D. & Catherine Lewis, Ph.D.

Commissioned by the Character Education Partnership (CEP), the Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education presents a comprehensive guide to the development and assessment of character education programs in our nation's schools. $89.95 U.S.

Eleven Principles

Building Character Through Cooperative Learning Video featuring Dr. Spencer Kagan

Building Character

Successfully applied, cooperative learning can positively address a number of emerging challenges such as student diversity, inclusion, and heterogeneous grouping. Achieve higher standards, both in academic and character education, through this insightful and instructional new video from cooperative learning expert Dr. Spencer Kagan. $99.95 U.S.