What The Internet Can Do For You

by Pat Tilson

Comments from teachers who use the Internet: "The Internet can make school interesting and relevant for students." (and perhaps keep them in school) "Internet skills will be increasingly in demand by businesses." "Internet skills we vital to post-secondary academic success. "Electronic networks will improve support services to our students." "Parents will have better access to their children's teachers if teachers have Internet access on their desks." "Clerical costs will be reduced; in-district communication will be improved." "Internet use will help improve reading, writing, and higher thinking skills." "The Internet will give students a chance to work with people of other countries and cultures." "The Internet can improve current teaching practices." "Students will have better job opportunities living in a community that is attractive to new business and industry." "Internet activities will give students guidance and practice using good judgment in selecting resources. "We need to instill in our students an active rather than a passive use of the Information Superhighway." "Biases we removed. The Internet is a place where teachers and students can contribute and be judged on the quality of their thoughts and communications skills alone." Back to Teaching via the Internet home page

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