Teacher's Workshop

Savannah, GA Conference

Differentiated Instruction, Sunday thru Tuesday, March 19-21, 2006, Hyatt Regency Savannah, Savannah, GA


A One Semester-Hour Graduate Course

Now Available With Your Conference Attendance!

The Teacher's Workshop will offer this one semester-hour graduate education course in conjunction with Lindenwood University of St. Charles, Missouri. A three-day professional development conference will be the basis of this course featuring instructors listed below. Registration for the course credit is $99.00, payable to Teacher's Workshop. Must attend full conference. Please use the conference registration form to sign up for credit. Additional forms will need to be completed at the conference.

Founded in 1827, Lindenwood College (now Lindenwood University) is one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in the United States and the second oldest west of the Mississippi River. Lindenwood offers a full complement of co-educational experiences, serving both full and part-time students of all ages, with a wide variety of educational programs leading to baccalaureate and master's degrees. Lindenwood is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.

Gayle H. Gregory: Differentiated Instruction in Reading and Literacy

Ron Walker: Keynote: Enhancing Learning: Things Teachers Should Know; Tactics To Enhance Learning in and Reading

Sandra Worsham: Writing for Elementary Students; Writing for All Students

William Bender: Differentiated Instruction: Teaching Smarter, Not Harder; Differentiated Instruction In Math