Laguna Cliffs Institute

Speakers will include: Joanne Allain, M.A. George M. Batsche, Ed.D. Angelee Eames, M.Ed. Cal Evans, M.Ed., Ed.S. Arjan Khalsa Ron Klemp, Ed.D. Stevan J. Kukic, Ph.D. Marty Masters, B.A. Alice Parker, Ed.D. Jo Robinson, M.A. Randy Sprick, Ph.D. W. David Tilly, Ph.D. John Woodward, Ph.D.
Call Laguna Cliffs Marriott Resort and Spa: (800) 228-9290 or (949) 661-5000

Topics will include:

  • Comprehensive Behavior Support: The Difficulties of and Solutions to the Implementation Problem
  • RtI: Applications for Middle and High School Settings
  • How to Make Your Core Reading Program Work for Low Language Students
  • Classroom Management: Prevention
  • RtI: Using Student-Centered Data to Make Intervention and Eligibility Decisions
  • Literacy Intervention: The Six Steps From Sound to Text
  • How to Run Monthly Grade-Level Meetings to Analyze Screening Data, Use Visual Displays of Data, and Make Instructional Changes
  • Using Technology to Help Students Learn to Read, Read to Learn
  • Overview of Schoolwide Behavior Support
  • Using Technology to Teach Critical Reading and Math Concepts
  • That Secondary Readin' Thing: Reading Intervention for Adolescents in an Urban School System
  • Positive School Climate: The Principal's Role
  • The 3 R's of Literacy - Reading, Writing, and Reasoning
  • From Whole Numbers to Prealgebra (Part I of II)
  • The Practical Implications of Secondary Literacy
  • Data, Geometry, and Measurement (Part II of II)
  • The New IDEA: What Do the New Statutory and Regulatory Provisions Mean to You?
  • Developing a Comprehensive Secondary Literacy Plan: Nuts and Bolts
  • Closing the Achievement Gap: Real Results in K-3 Literacy
  • Are We Doing the Right Things Right For Our Students and Ourselves?