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Course Instructor Dr. William N. Bender



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Graduate Course Requirements (EDW 964)

I. Completion of 10 Modules

Each lesson includes some of the following activities; these should be done in the following order during each module.

Assigned Readings--nongraded; One or more reading chapters and additional hard-copy readings may be assigned each module. The student should complete these as the first activity in each module. Students should anticipate spending 3 - 6 hours on assigned readings and quizzes during each module.

Also, various examples of student work, and/or other readings may be posted to the class bulletin board. These postings should be considered assigned readings and completed prior to chatroom discussion participation.

Video Review: Required viewing video segments on selected topics are available on videotape for several of the modules. These must be viewed during the module where they are assigned during the course. These activities will be discussed during the chatrooms--nongraded;

Module Activities: Specific activities are described in each module. These may be a worksheet on the text, or some type of written activity, such as reflective thought questions, position papers, book reports, assessments, checklists, etc. One activity is typically required during each of the first six modules, and each will be graded on a scale of 100 total possible points. Each of these will comprise 10% of the final grade. Generally, if multiple weekly activity options are presented within a particular lesson, students may choose which weekly activity they wish to complete in consultation with the instructor. Students should anticipate spending 3 - 4 hours on activities for each module.

Discussion Board: Students are required to complete all reading assignments, and review any material which is posted to the class discussion board. Afterwards students must contribute to the discussion his/her thoughts on the assigned readings at least once during each module.

Multiple or Short Answer Quizzes: Assessments are available throughout the course on various modules, and you should complete these when you complete each module. Your answers will be emailed to the instructor.

II. Course Project

Each student must choose one of the options below. This selection will be made during the second or third module of the course. The course project will count 30% of the course grade. Students should anticipate spending 20 - 30 hours to complete the course project.

The Intervention Project Option. For teachers who may be teaching in a summer school session, and/or tutoring children daily, an intervention project may be selected. Each intervention project must result in a minimum of four weeks of daily data collection. A one page (typed, single spaced) prospectus of the project must be submitted prior to project initiation. This will specify the objective of the project, the planned intervention strategy, the measurement of the specific behaviors, and the reinforcement offered. The prospectus will be a non-graded assignment, and contingent upon Dr. Bender's response to that prospectus, the student may initiate the project.

At the close of the intervention project, the data chart, the revised prospectus, and a five page project summary (typed and double spaced) will be turned in. The summary will include your review of the project's success, on a daily or weekly basis, your response to the project, and ideas concerning when you can use a similar project again. This project will be graded on a 100 point scale, and will count 20% of the course grade. The Project options are described below.

Single Subject Design Project: A single subject AB, or ABAB design project will be conducted to reduce/increase a behavior in class of a student with ADHD.

Self-Monitoring Project: A self-monitoring project designed to increase on-task time for students with ADHD may be chosen. The data chart for this project will consist of both the student reports of data projects and observational results.

Three days of observation data (i.e. a five minute time sample, based on 5 second intervals) must be conducted within each phase of the project.

Peer Confrontation Project: A peer confrontation strategy may be implemented using the procedures described in the course.

Other Project Options: Dr. Bender is willing to discuss other project options which may be appropriate, as long as they involve instructional procedures which result in daily data based instruction.

Appropriate charting of data for these projects is essential. Selected intervention projects will be presented to the class. Sample projects are presented in the readings packet.

The Disciplinary Strategy Review Option. For teachers who are not teaching during this course, a strategy review project may be chosen. This may be done as either a group or an individual project. Each strategy review project will focus on a particular disciplinary strategy for difficult to manage kids. The purpose of these strategy review projects is to focus on one specific type (or one specific series) of disciplinary strategies, and for the student or the group of students to produce some type of project for grading and for presentation to the class. At least four separate research sources for each review will be needed. Also, each review project must result in some type of review to be presented to the class during the last module. Project formats may involve:

(1) Videotape Demonstration:

Development of a videotape demonstration of a specific disciplinary tactic. These must be "finished product" videotape segments from 5 to 15 minutes in length, consisting of a description of a disciplinary tactic, a demonstration of the tactic with one or more children in a school setting, and a debrief of the tactic. Emphasis should be placed on expanding the situations for which a tactic may be used. You must provide to Dr. Bender permissions from all persons in the video for subsequent educational use.

(2) Software Development:

Development of software to facilitate the use of a specific disciplinary tactic. These must be "finished product" software programs, consisting of a description of a disciplinary tactic, a description of the tactic, a role-play to facilitate learning the tactic, and a debrief of the tactic.

(3) A Strategy Review paper:

This strategy review tactic involves the development of a 15 to 20 page term paper review of a particular disciplinary tactic or program. This project will require a minimum of 15 references research sources demonstrating the types of student for whom the particular tactic works. One should anticipate that these papers will be made available to all students within the course.

Participation and Grading

Each student will be graded 10% on participation to include all instructional aspects of the course (e.g. completion of quizzes, e-mail instructional interactions, project completion on time, etc.)

Grading will be handled as follows. All grades will be awarded on a 100 point basis, and converted to a percentage of the course grade.

Six Module Assignments
Class Project





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