Discipline With Dignity

Dr. Richard Curwin is one developer and author of Discipline with Dignity -- a highly regarded disciplinary intervention strategies package which has been applied widely in public school classes throughout the nation. Questions for Thought: 1. What is the major emphasis of the Discipline With Dignity Approach? 2. What is the difference between obedience and responsibility? 3. How can principles and rules be used together to make an effective discipline system? 4. What is the difference between consequences and punishment? I. The Discipline With Dignity Approach

A. The mountain puzzle B. The three dimensions C. The danger of threat II. Teaching Responsibility A. Limits and choices B. Commitment C. Avoiding threats III. Developing An Effective Discipline Plan A. Principles and rules B. Rules and some forced behaviors C. Principles motivate D. Rules come from principles E. Consequences 1. Natural, logical 2. Conventional 3. Generic 4. Instructional IV. Conclusion

The Three-Dimensional Discipline Overview

Prevention Dimension

What Can Be Done to Prevent Discipline Problems
  1. Be aware of self (teacher)
  2. Be aware of students
  3. Express genuine feelings
  4. Become knowledgeable of alternate theories
  5. Motivate students to learn
  6. Establish social contracts
  7. Implement social contracts
  8. Reduce stress

Action Dimension

What to do When Discipline Problems Occur
  1. Choose best alternative consequence
  2. Implement consequence
  3. Collect data
  4. Avoid power struggles

Resolution Dimension

Resetting Contracts Negotiation With Individual Student
  1. Find what is needed to prevent another problem
  2. Develop mutually agreeable plan
  3. Implement plan
  4. Monitor plan/revise if necessary
  5. Use creative approaches when necessary

Practical Discipline Guidelines

  1. Never use something you want a child to love as a consequence.
  2. When you take something away (a behavior), give something back (a new behavior).
  3. Eventually you must face a student who misbehaves. No one can do it for you.
  4. When disciplining students, always provide both choices and limits.
  5. No one can change their behavior without making a commitment.
Classroom Discipline
For more information
Teacher's Workshop 1250 Overlook Ridge Bishop, GA 30621
Call: 1-800-991-1114
Email us at: [email protected]