Professional Resources for Educators

Books and Videotapes

How to Order

A Biological Brain in a Cultural Classroom by Robert Sylwester

A Biological Brain

Improve classroom management by understanding the "misbehavior" triggers. Nationally renowned presenter and consultant Dr. Robert Sylwester applies the latest in brain research and learning theory to classroom management. Difficult concepts of neurobiology and psychology are made readily accessible. The author offers imaginative data-gathering activities to help students manage their own behavior. Teachers also learn how their behavior impacts the classroom environment. $24.95 U.S.

Cooperative Discipline by Linda Albert

The national bestseller! Internationally renowned author and educational leader Dr. Linda Albert offers a student-centered approach to classroom management that works both in the individual classroom and on schoolwide and districtwide levels. Cooperative Discipline is a timely, realistic approach to discipline and classroom management. $21.95 U.S.

Cooperative Discipline

Coping with Kids by Linda Albert

Coping With Kids

"Kids, unfortunately, do not come with an instructor's manual for parents, but if they did, it probably would have been written by Dr. Linda Albert." A mother of three grown children and a 15-year classroom veteran, Dr. Albert pursued the answers to her own parenting and teaching questions in an impressive academic career that culminated in a master's degree in education and a doctorate in psychology. The insights she offers to parents are powerful and timeless. $12.95 U.S.

Emotional Intelligence: A New Vision for Education Video featuring Daniel Goleman

Based on his best-selling book on the same topic, this fascinating and persuasive video argues that our view of human intelligence is far too narrow. Drawing on groundbreaking research, Dr. Goleman portrays emotional intelligence as a quality more critical to success in life than traditional IQ. $89.95 U.S.

Emotional Intelligence

Alternative Strategies To Social Promotion Video featuring William Glasser, MD

Alt. Strategies

School reformers and political leaders are calling for an end to social promotion. But how do we address the myriad complications of retaining students? National educational leader Dr. William Glasser offers an alternative to social promotion based on quality instruction. $99.95 U.S.

The Caring Teacher's Guide to Discipline by Marilyn Gootman

Teach your students how to practice self-control, solve problems, use good judgment, and correct their own misbehavior. In this thoughtful book by Dr. Marilyn Gootman of the University of Georgia, you'll learn strategies about realistic expectations, resolving misunderstandings, dealing with anger, effective communication, problem solving, reaching students impacted by trauma or dysfunction, and creating partnerships with parents. $23.95

Caring Teacher's Guide

Reaching Kids At-Risk Video featuring Dr. Lou Gonzales, Mel Clancy, Willie Miles, and others

Reaching Kids At-Risk

Do your teachers understand strategies used to teach drug exposed kids? Information on working with streetwise gang members is also included, as well as a video demonstration of a mentorship program. 2 videos, manual, curriculum materials. $99.95 U.S.