The Electronic Field Trip

Ms. Lucy Levy is a representative of Turner Educational Services, Inc., a leader in the field of high quality Electronic Field Trips. Her video presentation, "Flamingowatch," is an example of one.

Questions For Thought

1. How can you use distance education to expand the horizons of Notes yourclassroom? 2. What might be some of the applications of the electronic fieldtrip?

Things To Consider:

1. Note the two major video components of the electronic field trip: theinformation session, and the question and answer session. 2. You can structurelive interaction with people all around the world. 3. Your class can draw uponthe expertise of highly qualified, on-site experts. 4. Interface with severalforms of multimedia: video, teleconferenc-ing, the Internet, and others. 5. It'sa highly cost-efficient enrichment activity. Take your entire class on anAfrican safari for less than the cost of a single airplane ticket. 6. Hasinterdisciplinary applications across a wide variety of subject areas: English,science, social studies, journalism, mathematics, and others. 7. You canestablish "pen pals" between your students and others around the globe. 8. Manydistance education field trips include highly structured lesson plans.
21st Century Classroom - Technology Applications
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