Professional Resources for Educators
Books and Videotapes
Inclusion & Special Needs
How to Order
Behavioral Intervention Planning: Completing a Functional Behavioral
Assessment and Developing a Behavioral Intervention Plan Kathleen
McConnell Fad, James R. Patton, and Edward A. Polloway
Behavioral Intervention Planning |
The Behavioral Intervention Planning'Revised provides school
personnel with the most up-to-date tools necessary to complete a
functional behavioral assessment (FBA), determine whether a
behavior is related to the disability of the student
(manifestation determination), and develop a behavioral
intervention plan (BIP). The 1997 amendments to the IDEA require
school districts to perform these activities on students with
disabilities who exhibit certain behavior problems or who bring
a weapon or drugs to school. This revision is consistent with
the final 1999 IDEA regulations. $34.00 US
Restructuring for Caring and Effective Education: Piecing the Puzzle
Together (2nd Edition) Edited by Richard A. Villa, Ed.D., &
Jacqueline S. Thousand, Ph.D.
Reflecting the recent, extensive changes in special and general
education, this new edition examines a range of timely topics as
it explains the evolution of inclusive education over the past
five years. You'll learn about curriculum, instruction, and
assessment in inclusive classrooms strategies for collaborative
teaming and co-teaching ways to empower and motivate students a
framework for understanding and facilitating systems change
Chapter-length case studies and special "reflection" chapters
are included. Throughout, the editors' perceptive writing
clarifies the integral roles of students, faculty, and families
in creating and maintaining inclusive schools and classrooms.
$44.95 US
Restructuring for Caring and Effective Education
How to Reach and Teach All Students in the Inclusive Classroom by Sandra Rief and Julie Heimburge
How to Reach & Teach |
Ready-to-use strategies, lessons and activities for teaching
students with diverse learning needs. This comprehensive
resource, a must for teachers grades 3-8, includes
alternatives to suspension, practical techniques to manage
behaviors, building organization skills. Over 80 stimulating
and motivating lessons across the curriculum, hooking in
reluctant readers/writers, and much more. $32.50 U.S.
Linking Medicine & Education for the Child with Special Needs
Video featuring Bruce Buehler, MD
Dr. Bruce Buehler of the University of Nebraska Medical Center
hosts a dynamic and highly informative presentation linking
"what we know" in the field of medicine with "how we teach"
children with special healthcare needs in our nation's schools.
Topics include neuroscience, prenatal influences and prevention,
developmental disabilities, medication and attention disorders,
and the team approach. $99.95 U.S.
Linking Medicine & Education |