The Interactive Teaching Network: Timely Professional Development Topics Via Satellite Distance Learning

(All ITN telecasts air from 4:00 to 6:00 PM Eastern Time.)

The Reaching the Tough to Teach Series


Managing Student Behavior Outside the Classroom November 14, 2000 Featuring Dr. Randy Sprick

Bridging the Gap: Research to Practice January 23, 2001 Featuring Dr. Charles Greenwood

Better IEPs February 13, 2001 Featuring Dr. Barbara Bateman

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports March 13, 2001 Featuring Dr. Tim Lewis

Design and Delivery of Effective Instruction April 3, 2001 Featuring Dr. Anita Archer

*Combination Price for All - $1875 *$395 for Individual Telecasts *Live Question and Answer * All You Need Is a C-Band Satellite Dish *All Telecasts 4-6 PM Eastern

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