The Interactive Teaching Network: Timely Professional Development Topics Via Satellite Distance Learning

(All ITN telecasts air from 4:00 to 6:00 PM Eastern Time.)

Distance Education at its Very Best!!

Spelling: Taking Students on a Tour of English Orthography November 11, 2003 Featuring Louisa Moats, Ph.D.

Our spelling system is one of the most challenging to learn and teach, but we can teach even poor spellers to think about words from many interesting angles and to remember words they need to write. We will review and practice components of a “word study” approach to spelling. Teachers will learn procedures for screening students, determining their developmental spelling levels, and interpreting the nature of their spelling errors. They will also learn how to present spelling concepts about sounds, letters, syllables and words; conduct word sorts, teach alphabetizing, put spelling words in context, bring in concepts of grammar and usage, use as a learning experience, and develop fluency in orthographic processing.

Brain 101: The Source for Brain-Based Education January 13, 2004 Featuring Clare Jones, Ph.D.

Brain research has evolved rapidly beyond simply speculating about possible learning patterns to truly understanding that this new information has a huge learning patterns to truly understanding that this new information has a huge impact on why we think the way we do. Current information from functional MRIs and PET scans has opened an entire “window” to understanding how the brain learns. Examine the windows of opportunity this research brings. Jones will turn this scientific theory into practical and easy solutions for the classroom. Gain hands-on ideas and learn how you can make this exciting information part of the classroom curriculum, impacting individualized instruction.

Classroom Management: Grouping for Instruction February 10, 2004 Featuring Vickie Gibson, Ph.D.

This teleconference will help teachers improve methods for teaching students with diverse needs and maintaining order with classrooms, curriculum, assessments and evaluations. Instruction Management incorporates three teaching tools: a Daily Schedule that alternates time periods for small and whole group instruction, a Helper Chart that delegates classroom responsibilities, and a Rotation Chart that directs groups of students to learning areas in the classroom. Teachers will also learn how to use assessment data to divide students into smaller groups for skill instruction.

Bully-Proofing March 9, 2004 Featuring Kim Marcum, M.Ed.

Since most children are neither bullies nor victims, it makes sense that they become part of the solution! With this powerful and positive teleconference Marcum will provide strategies on how to create a culture of respect, kindness, and support that will triumph over the verbal/physical abuse and potentially dangerous situations that exist for today's children. Attendees will learn how to intervene with bullies using a research-based model to change their behavior, help parents of both perpetrators and victims collaborate with the school to reduce bullying, and to recognize the difference between a provocative victim and a bully.

Combination Price for All - $1875 For State, District, or Multisite Purchases, Call for Additional Discounts!!!

  • $495 for Individual Telecasts
  • Live Question and Answer
  • All telecasts air live on the indicated date from 4:00PM-6:00PM Eastern Time and require a C-Band satellite dish.

To register or for more information call (800) 991-1114!