Internet Uses in Ms. Smith's Classroom

by Pat Tilson

1. Mrs. Smith checks E-mail from parents. 2. She turns in attendance via inter-office network. 3. She cuts and pastes lesson plans for Joshua and sends home via E-mail. 4. She adds important dates to calendar (which is posted on the school network.) 5. She checks El-Ed listserv messages. 6. (She plans to) contact professionals via the Internet for more information on professional growth. 7. She downloads an electronic journal (available on-line.) 8. She books a video from the district media office. 9. She writes a county social service agency regarding a student. 10. Tim checks current weather status. 11. He checks for responses from "keypals" (he has four.) 12. He searches for a needed book in his school's media center (without leaving the classroom.) 13. He searches other district schools for the needed book (and finds it.) 14. He requests an interlibrary loan. 15. He finds illustrations from the Library of Congress. Back to Teaching via the Internet home page

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