Teacher's Workshop Order Form

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Leadership: The Character Education Imperative - Aranha (video)


$99.95 US


Beyond The ADD Myth: Classroom Strategies & Techniques - Armstrong (video)


$79.00 US


Linking Medicine & Education for the Child with Special Needs - Buehler (video)


$99.95 US


Alternative Strategies To Social Promotion - Glasser (video)


$99.95 US


Building a Quality School: A Matter of Responsibility - Glasser (video)


$99.00 US


Emotional Intelligence: A New Vision for Education - Goleman (video)


$89.95 US


Multiple Intelligences and The Second Language Learner - Gusman (video)


$99.95 US


Building Character Through Cooperative Learning - Kagan (video)


$99.95 US


Character Education: Restoring Respect & Responsibility in our Schools - Lickona (video)


$79.95 US


Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education - Lickona/Lewis (video)


$89.95 US


Developing The Gifts & Talents of All Students: The Schoolwide Enrichment Model - Renzulli (video)


$99.95 US


ADHD: Inclusive Instruction & Collaborative Practices - Rief (video)


$99.00 US


How to Help Your Child Succeed in School - Rief (video)


$46.00 US


Brain-Based Learning - Sousa (video)


$89.95 US


Grant Writing for Teachers (video)


$99.95 US


Reaching Kids At-Risk (video)


$99.95 US


Teacher's Safety (video)


$99.95 US




Cooperative Discipline - Albert


$21.95 US


Coping with Kids - Albert


$12.95 US


Learning Disabilities: Characteristics, Identification, and Teaching Strategies - Bender


$41.00 US


Understanding ADHD: A Practical Guide for Teachers and Parents - Bender


$34.95 US


Violence Prevention and Reduction in Schools - Bender/Clinton/Bender


$29.95 US


Toody Byrd Talks - Byrd


$12.50 US


Alternatives in Education: Critical Pedagogy for Disaffected Youth - Goodman


$24.95 US


The Caring Teacher's Guide to Discipline - Gootman


$23.95 US


How the Brain Learns, 2nd Edition -Sousa


$39.95 US


A Biological Brain in a Cultural Classroom - Sylwester


$24.95 US


Total of Order


6% taxes

(schools exempt)


For Shipping in US add the higher of $5.00 or 6%; for outside US call for estimate.


Total Cost

(US dollars)


Make checks or purchase orders payable to Teacher's Workshop and mail to:

Teacher's Workshop

1250 Overlook Ridge

Bishop, GA 30621

Purchase orders may be faxed to: (706)769-4137

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