(Sample Participatory Organizer)
Sheila Perry is the creator of the Christa McAuliffe Technology Center at Bloomfield School in Bloomfield, Missouri. A direct result of persistent grant writing efforts, the Christa McAuliffe Technology Center puts students in touch with current developments in space exploration and other topics through a number of creative avenues. These include the use of specialized teaching technologies, multimedia projects, and internet-based learning.
Questions for Thought:
- What are your dreams for your classroom?
- What local or state agencies or organizations can you think of who may have an interest in seeing your dreams happen?
- What help is available for finding grant sources online?
Content Outline:
Part One: First Impressions
I. Introduction
- Why?
- Who?
- What?
- Where?
- Where?
- When?
- How?
II. Opportunity
- Guests?
- Outside Help?
- Special Activities Possible by Means of this Grant?
- Town's History Unique?
- Donations Possible?
- Expanding on existing school resources?
- Did you do a pilot?
III. Need
- Why do you need this grant?
- Are you submitting?
- What scores prove you need it?
- Any surveys prove your need?
- A state mandate for improvement?
- Why is this important for your district/students?
Part Two: Doing Your Homework
I. Research
- Where did you get your research?
- How does it support your proposal?
- Who else has done it?
- What experts agree with you?
- When? Is your research current?
- Research directly related to proposal?
II. Planning
- How did you plan this proposal?
- What workshops did you attend?
- What surveys did you take?
- Who else is involved?
- Committee
- Other teachers
- Parents
- Businesses
- What organizations provided research/ideas?
- Copies of the successful grants of others?
- Relate all planning to need and objectives
III. Goal
IV. Objectives and Evaluation
- Objectives must match Needs!
- Evaluations: Based on measurable results
- Evaluation tools
- Teacher-made tests
- State tests
- Rubrics
- Three objectives is plenty
- Avoid confusing Objectives with Activities
Part Three: A Convincing Proposal
I. Activities and Timeline
- Match Activities with Objectives
- Make sure reader sees that students will benefit
II. Budget
- What percent of budget for equipment?
- Stipends the same for all teachers?
- Add and read and add again.
- Don't ask for it all if you don't need it.
- Get quotes, community donations, etc.
- Make sure budget matches proposal.
- Attach letters of support.
- Get help from someone who has been there
- Matching funds required?
III. Final Remarks
- Get it postmarked by the deadline!!!
- No guarantees
- Good luck!
Why? | do you need this grant? |
Who? | is going to benefit? is targeted? are the guest speakers? (if you have one) is helping with this project? Do you have letters of support? |
What? | is your goal? your expected outcome? is the process for achieving your goal? are you buying with this grant? proof do you have to back your proposal or need? |
Where? | will the grant take place? is your town located? |
When? | will the project start and end? |
How? | are you going to accomplish your goal? |
You want computers? So does everyone else. What are you going to do with students on the computer that makes your project unique?
- guests?
- outside help?
- special activity possible if you receive this grant?
- town's history unique?
- donations possible?
- what does your school have that you are expanding on with this proposal?
- did you do a pilot that was successful and need funds to expand on it?
This page should go beside your objectives page. Work on them both at the same time!!
- why do you need this grant?
- did you fail before and are resubmitting?
- what scores prove you need it?
- any surveys prove your need?
- targeted by the state as a need to improve?
- why is this important for your district/students?
- where did you get your research?
- how does it support your proposal?
- who else has done it?
- what experts agree with you?
- when? is your research current? should be in the 90's?
- is your research directly related to your proposal?
- what did you do to plan/write this proposal?
- what workshops did you attend?
- what surveys did you take?
- who else was involved? (committee? other teachers? parents? businesses?)
- what organizations do you belong to that helped provide research/ideas?
- who did you write to for copies of their successful grants?
- did you fail before and are resubmitting?
- make sure all planning relates to your need and proposal
This page should go beside your objectives page. Work on them both at the same time!!
Must match needs!!!
- Objective 1: (matches need 1)
- Evaluation: (must be measurable)
- Objective 2: (matches need 2)
- Evaluation:
- Objective 3 (matches needs 1 and 2 or matches need 3?)
- Evaluation:
Make sure objectives are measurable! Use % signs. Compare... Evaluation tools can be teacher made tests, state tests, rubrics. Three objectives are plenty! Don't go overboard and do not confuse an objective with an activity. Checking out books...making projects...are activities, not objectives.
Make sure activities match your objectives! A brief timeline is helpful.
- Sept-Oct
- Nov-April
- April-May
This is where you shine! Prove to the reader that if they give you this money, you know how to spend it. I always add paragraphs of special projects or activities I am going to do with the students. Always make your activities match your objectives. Show how you are going to spend that money!! Don't surprise a reader. If you are asking for computers, tell what you are going to do with them. Above all, MAKE SURE THE READER SEES THAT THE STUDENTS WILL BENEFIT FROM YOUR GRANT!
- What percent of budget can be spent on equipment, if any?
- Stipends the same for all teachers?
- Add and read and add again
- Don't ask for it all if you don't need it. Readers can tell when you are trying to fluff it.
- Get quotes, community donations, in-kind donations, etc.
- Make sure your budget matches your proposal.
- Attach letters of support.
- Get help from someone who has been there.
- Do you have to match it? Will your school board approve the match? Can you afford the match?
And above all else, I am nobody! I can't guarantee or promise you will get your grant. But my fingers, toes, and eyes are crossed! (Of course, I hope I get my grant too!) [email protected]