Positive Comprehensive Behavior Management
For All Students: A Team-Based Approach
Dr. Michael Rosenberg of Johns Hopkins University has developed a team-based
intervention approach system for children with behavior problems.
Questions for Thought:
1. What aspects of the PAR model make it so successful? 2. What kind of results
have been documented in the places PAR has been put into effect? I. The PAR
Model: A Comprehensive Plan II. Developing Rules
III. Supports
IV. Beneficial Outcomes
V. Follow-Up Programs
VI. Results
Overview of the PAR Model Michael S. Rosenberg, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University
For several years, faculty at Johns Hopkins University's Department of Special
Education have been assisting LEA-based programs serving students with
troubling behaviors in the development of comprehensive management programs.
Building from the work and experiences of Curwin and Mendler, Evertson,
Deshler, as well as other field-based teachers and researchers, PAR is a
process-based, operational model in which collaborative teams of teachers,
school administrators, and related service personnel work together within a
prescriptive workshop format (Rosenberg, 199 1) come to consensus on plans and
strategies to (a) PREVENT the occurrence of troubling behavior, (b) ACT or
respond to, instances of rule compliance and noncompliance in a consistent
fashion, and (c) RESOLVE many of the issues which underlie or cause troubling
behavior. In essence, building-based teams design their own unified plan of
action based upon data-based procedures that have been documented to work.
Figure 1 illustrates the specific components of the PAR model that team
members design for implementation. Briefly, PAR training typically follows the
following sequence of events: Over the course of a three to five day training
period, a facilitator, using a variety of learning activities (lecture,
discussion, and video-tapes) presents data-based exemplars of "what works" for
each of the PAR components. Using this information, the teams develop their
own plan, building on the unique character of their settings, and available
personnel and resources. Each team completes a structured jargon-free PAR
management plan that is readily understood by all involved in the education
and treatment of students (e.g., parents, students, related service personnel,
bus drivers, etc.). Participants begin by agreeing upon rules, expectations,
and procedures that can preempt problem behaviors. This is followed by the
development of specific procedures for the implementation of positive
consequences to promote rule compliance. An intervention hierarchy for
negative consequences (for noncompliance) and specific crisis procedures are
also developed. Finally, specific resolution interventions and logistical
concerns regarding implementation are discussed. As it is expected that all
products produced during PAR training are to be applied, target dates for
implementation and evaluation are noted, and strategies to promote fidelity to
the agreed upon management plan are articulated. PAR training has been
delivered in over 50 schools in the Baltimore/Washington area. Earlier teams
have been comprised of individuals serving special education Intensity 4 and 5
students with troubling behaviors; recent efforts, however, have focused on
entire school buildings. Technical assistance follow-up procedures supplement
the program to assist in the maintenance of plan procedures. Initial outcome
data indicate that the programs are successful when plans are designed and
implemented in a collaborative fashion.
HMS Standards
Because we value education,
- We are on time, prepared, and participate in class.
- We respect the space and property of others.
- We are considerate in language.and actions.
- We follow directions the first time they are given.
- We travel with a pass.
- 1. On Time
- Students arrive in class before the late bell.
- Prepared for Class
Students bring all materials needed for class, leaving. gum, candy, and
radios at home. Leave coats, backpacks, and hats in lockers.
- Participation
Students follow class procedures and are actively involved in class
- 2. Respect of Space & Property
- Students respect themselves.
Students are aware of and respect each other's personal space and property
- (HOP - "Hands off, please.")
- 3. Language
Students do not curse, use "put downs," or make ethnic remarks. Students use
appropriate tone and nonverbal communication.
- Actions
Students consider their actions and choose to be courteous toward an
individual or an entire class.
- 4. Following directions
Students follow directions when given the first time from any adult in the
HMS community.
5. Passes
When going to the bathroom, students will use the teacher's bathroom pass.
For all other movement in the hallways, teachers will provide one pass for
each student who must leave the room.
Rules Development Worksheet
General Case Rule |
The students will be prepared for class. |
Meaning of Rule in My Class |
The students will be in their seat at the ringing of the bell with
books, writing tools, drill and homework.
Teaching the Rule |
Role playing "The Prepared Student"Display prepared materials |
Available Supports |
Have pencils available for borrowingPraise to those who are
preparedProvide visual and verbal remindersChecklist of supplies needed
to be prepared
Classroom Consequences
When the Hammond Standards are not being met, these are the guidelines our staff
Classroom Discipline
For more information |
Teacher's Workshop 1250 Overlook Ridge Bishop, GA 30621
Call: 1-800-991-1114 |
Email us at: [email protected]