References: Teaching via the Internet

References: (This is a small cross-section of references available. Please notice that the copyright date on most is 1995. Information on the Internet must be updated frequently to keep up with the changes!) Braun, E. 1994. The Internet Directory. New York: Fawcett Columbine. Clark, M. 1995. Cultural Treasures on the Internet. NJ: Prentice Hall ( Cooper, F. J., Coggans, C., 1995. Implementing Internet Security. IN: New Riders Publishing. *December, J. and Randall, N. 1995. The World Wide Web: Unleashed. IN: Fry, A. and Paul, D. How to Publish on the Internet. Warner Books. Harris, Judi. 1994. The Way of the Ferret Finding Educational Resources on the Internet. OR: ISTE ([email protected].). Krol, E. 1994. The Whole Internet, CA: O'Reilly and Associates, Inc. Lamb, L. & Peck, J. 1995. Using e-mail effectively. CA: O'ReiIIy and Associates, Inc. Impact Online, Inc., 711 Colorado Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94303. Internet in a Box for Kids. CompuServe/Spry/Internet Division. Contact: John Irwin. 206-442-8236. email: [email protected] Sachs, D. and Starr, H. 1995. Instant Internet with Websurfer. NJ: Prentice Hall. Schrum, L. and Soloman, G. 1996. Connect On-Line: A Telecommunications Simulator. Thompson Learning Tools. ____1994. Using the lnternet. IN: Que. *Williams, B. 1995. The Internet for Teachers. CA: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc. Back to Teaching via the Internet home page
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