New Resources for Teachers

These teacher resources are now available from The Teacher's Workshop.

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Authentic Assessment In Elementary and SecondarySchoolsby Renet L. Bender, Ph.D., PresidentThe Teacher's Workshop

This 15 page curriculum materials packet, originally from one of our teleconferences, presents guidelines for formationof a student portfolio for authentic assessment, and sample student worksheetpages which demonstrate the usefulness of authentic assessment practices,including differences among writing samples collected for the portfolioover time. A list of issues which should be considered in moving into authenticassessment procedures is included. Also, a sample authentic assessment projectfor secondary students is included. Cost: $8.95 US

Understanding ADHD: A Practical Guide for Teachersand Parentsby Dr. William N. Bender

This book is a helpful, practical guideto assist the reader in managing children or students with ADHD and facilitatingtheir success to discover their uniqueness and creative potential. Specificstrategies and techniques in a widenumber of areas are presented that will facilitatelearning for individuals with ADHD in both the home and the school environment.Specifically, the author presents lists of suggestions for dealing withparticular problems -- suggestions such as behavioral contracts for thehome or classroom, self-monitoring strategies, and homework checklists.Some strategies are presented in several chapters to demonstrate applicationsin classrooms at various ages, as well as in the home. The reader is encouragedto modify these strategies and adapt them for their situation, as needed.This set of specific techniques, and the detailed instructions and examplesassociated with each, should prepare the reader to deal with even the mostcomplicated manifestations of ADHD. Cost: $29.95 US

Classroom Held Hostage!by William N. Bender, Ph.D.The Teacher's Workshop

This 12 page curriculum packet, from a teleconference, presents specific guidelines which focuson how educators should respond to weapons violence in schools, as wellas what teachers should do if they find themselves and their students heldhostage in the classroom. While there are no clear rules in dealing withextremely dangerous and fluid hostage situations, the guidelines presentedhere are an accumulation of guidelines from numerous police officials andvarious experts, and represent the most appropriate general guidelines available.Cost: $8.95 US

Gang Violence In Schoolsby Renet L. Bender, Ph.D., PresidentThe Teacher's Workshop

This 29 page curriculum materials packet, from a teleconference, presents information on gangsin schools, including gang signs and symbols which teachers should know,potential causes of school violence, resources which educators may access,and interview forms which educators may use with students to identify studentperceptions of violence in schools. The role and responsibilities of theschool resource police office are described in detail, and one preventativemeasure. Cost: $9.95 US

Violence Prevention: Valuing Every Studentby Dr. Robert Brooks

This videotape shows how to prevent violence in schools! Violence preventionefforts should be undertaken well before a problem arises, and will ofteninvolve efforts to build students' sense of self-worth. Dr. Robert Brooks,one of the most highly sought-after educational and motivational speakersin this area, will describe specific strategies which can be used to enhancea student's sense of self-worth and community connectedness. Strategiesentail identification of the strengths of every student, and finding a meaningfulcontributing role for every member of the educational community. This 1hour video and instructor's guide can provoke discussion concerning howyou might contribute to make your community schools safer and more productive.Cost: $49.95 US

Computer-Assisted Instruction for Students at Risk for ADHD,Mild Disabilities, or Academic Problemsby Dr. Renet L. Bender and Dr. William N. Bender

The goal of this book is to help teachers fully integrate the use ofcomputers into their classrooms. Written from the teacher's perspective,it provides practical suggestions that can be usedimmediately. It also supports discussion of the educational principlesunderlying teachers' decisions about the role technology will play in theirteaching. Throughout the book, the authors concentrate on the teaching toolsand educational opportunities computers offer, particularly in today's diverse,multi-capability classes. Cost: $29.95 US

Teaching On the Net and Technology Applicationsby Renet L. Bender, Ph.D., PresidentThe Teacher's Workshop

This curriculum materials packet of 32 pages, from a teleconference, is a gold mine of ideasfor teaching on the internet, including numerous educational sites for yourstudents to use, as well as worksheet pages for introducing your studentsto the internet. Ten tips for successful integration of technology intothe classroom are included, as well as sample pages detailing how distanceeducation field trips may be applied in your class. Multimedia instructionis also explored, including using your class to create multimedia projects.Cost: $9.95 US

Total Quality Management: An Effective Tool for Renewalby Franklin Schargel

This one-hour videotape describes the school reform efforts, based on Total QualityManagement principles, as applied to public schools. Mr. Schargel is a highlysought after speaker, and his practical experience in a total quality managementhigh school, coupled with his insights into the broader school reform movementmake this video a must see for every educator. Cost: $89.95 US

Motivating Kids At-Riskby William N. BenderThe Teacher's Workshop

This curriculum materials packet of 25 pages, from a teleconference, presents strategies formotivating students by valuing them. Keys to motivation for African Americanstudents, are included as well as information on the Yes I Can Social InclusionProgram, which reduces behavior problems for secondary students at-risk. Cost: $9.95 US

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