
DeSoto Hilton Hotel, Savannah, Georgia February 21-23, 2001

You won't want to miss this dynamic conference event at the DeSoto Hilton in historic Savannah!


Dr. David Sousa

Keynote Speaker

Presenting What We Now Know About How the Brain Learns

Dr. David Sousa

Marny Sorgen

Marny Sorgen

Presenting The Brain: A Teacher's Guide and Windows of Opportunity

Pam Webster

Presenting Brain Gym

Pam Webster

Steve Shekell

Steve Shekell

PresentingI.D.E.A.S. in the Brain-Compatible Classroom

Jim Malanowski Presenting Teaching with Style: Learning Styles in the Classroom

David Butler Presenting A School-Wide Brain-Friendly Learning Environment

Phyllis Payne Presenting Teaching Through the Intelligences

Dr. William Bender Presenting Brain-Based Learning and New Technologies: The Interface


All major sessions are presented in an interactive, 3 hour workshop format! Registration is $289 per person A Keynote Luncheon is included, plus Coffee & Danish Breakfasts.

Participant Presentations! Call for Proposals!

This conference will also feature one-hour participant presentations on various topics relating to brain-based learning.

View the Call for Proposals