Franklin P. Schargel

Franklin P. Schargel

Presentation Style: Interactive; specific practical strategies; personal anecdotes

Speaking/Consultation Areas: School to work, mentoring, parental involvement, teamwork, learner driven learning, and interactive learning

Franklin P. Schargel has accumulated over 33 years of teaching and supervisory experience in the New York City Educational System. For the past 8 years he has concentrated his knowledge, time, and energies on the integration and implementation of Total Quality Management in education. Mr. Schargel designed, developed, and helped to implement a Quality Improvement program which has been proven to dramatically enhance the learning process, as well as expanding parental involvement, increasing post-secondary school attendance, and significantly lowering the student dropout rate. His TQM process is described in 17 books and videos that are offered by various organizations such as The Deming Library, Juran Management System, American Society of Quality Control, American Association of School Administrators and GOAL/QPC.

Over the past three years, Mr. Schargel has helped several school districts to develop a structured approach to the change process and to improve their delivery of instruction to students.

Mr. Schargel is a well known international speaker. He has spoken before school districts in thirty states, Canada, Sweden, and Brazil. Several of his articles on TQM have been published, along with his book entitled, 'Transforming Education Through Total Quality Management: A Practitioner's Guide." He has been recognized for his work with Total Quality Management by several publications, including Fortune Magazine, Business Week, and The New York Times. Mr. Schargel helped develop the educational guidelines and was selected as one of the judges for the Malcom Baldrige National Quality Award.

Presently, Mr. Schargel is helping to launch a Total Quality Management program in the Basque Province of Spain.

Some topics that are covered by Mr. Schargel are: