A Seaside Symposium


The Teacher's Workshop

Managing ADHD!Secondary Discipline!Brain Based LearningCooperative Discipline!Grantwriting for Teachers!Weapons in the Classroom!

Virginia Beach Resort Hotel

Bring your entire family for a vacation!!!

June 28 Thru July 1, 1998 * Virginia Beach, VA

Call to Register! 1-800-991-1114

Featured Presenters Include:

Dr. Linda Albert - Author of Cooperative DiscipoineMs. Sandy Rief - Videotapes and Books on ADHDDr. William N. Bender - Author of Discipline in the ClassroomMs. Sheila Perry - Grantwriting Made Easy!

Fireside Chats with Presenters!

Have you ever felt that your discipline problems are never covered inthe workshops you attend? Have you ever just wanted to address your disciplineconcerns with the experts? Well, here is your chance!! These late afternoonsessions will find several of our experiences speakers in a relaxed, lessstructured format to discuss directly with you, YOUR discipline problems.So, sit back, relax and ask YOUR QUESTIONS!!

ADHD in the Classroom

by Ms. Sandy Rief (June 28-29)

Ms. Rief's workshop will focus on behavioral strategies that work inher classroom for students with AD/HD and other learning disabilities. Shewill show you how to implement a Behavioral Management Issues Program, aswell as describe strategies for building organizational and study skills.Also presented will be different learning styles with an emphasis on multipleintelligences. She will take you on a tour, through video segments, of classesthat succeed for children with learning disabilities. Sandy is a hands-onworkshop presenter who encourages participants to ask questions as she presentseach technique.

Cooperative Discipline

by Dr. Linda Albert (June 28-29)

Dr. Albert is nationally know as the author of Cooperative Discipline.She has presented to thousands of teachers nationally, and the cooperativediscipline approach is widely regarded as one of the most influential approachesto discipline to develop over the last two decades. In her workshop, Dr.Albert addresses such challenges as coping with disruptive and inappropriatebehavior, reducing violence, overcoming academic and developmental difficulties,drop-out prevention, reducing substance abuse, and improving self esteem.Her engaging style and lively, witty presentation make her workshops verypopular with professionals as well as teachers and parents who work withyoungsters and their families.

Discipline in the Secondary Classes

by Dr. William N. Bender (June 28, July 1)

Dr. Bender's experience in a junior high school classroom, and his recentpublications in ADHD, learning disabilities, and instructional methods makehim a highly sought after workshop presenter on disciplinary strategiesfor secondary classrooms. The focus for this session will be strategiesfor secondary classrooms to enable students with learning problems to achievesuccess. Specific strategies to be covered include classroom structuringtechniques, self-monitoring, and peer support strategies. Detailed instructionsfor application of these strategies in your classroom will be provided.

Grantwriting for Teachers

by Ms. Sheila Perry (June 28, July 1)

Ms. Perry, a teacher/administrator in a K-12 school and a successfulauthor of several technology grants, will conduct this workshop. She willfeature several presentations plus school-based video segments that focuson writing successful grant proposals to fund needed resources for the classroom.Topics will include tips and stories from her experience on how to approachspecific sections of the typical grant proposal, as well as video examplesof projects that have been funded by locally written grants. A special sectionwill also be included on non-grant fundraising for the classroom.

Brain-based Strategies for Proactive Discipline

by Dr. Debra Prigge (June 30, July 1)

Dr. Debra Prigge, Associate Professor of Special Education at CentralWashington University, will conduct this workshop. Students will behavioralproblems often view themselves, and are often viewed by others, as utilizingincompetent learning strategies. Frequently, this can lead to disciplineproblems in the classroom. Brain-based teaching and learning strategiescan provide both teachers and students with a proactive means of dealingwith behavioral problems. "Preventive" brain-based disciplinetechniques will be shared. Participants in this workshop will create andreceive practical ideas/samples/materials to facilitate classroom use.

Other Sessions!

Power Plays from Students

Adolescent Suicide

Weapons Violations in the Classroom

Virginia Beach Resort Hotel

Where the Chesapeake Bay meets the Atlantic Ocean in North Virginia Beach,you'll find a year-round beach resort offering luxury accommodations andrelaxing surroundings. The Virginia Beach Resort Hotel is where you willhave the vacation of a lifetime. Plan on bringing the whole family. Thisbeautiful resort hotel has a large private beach, three available golf courses,tennis courts, complete health spa, as well as indoor/outdoor pools. Twoaward winning restaurants are located within the hotel. The resort is closeto shopping, fishing, entertainment as well as area attractions. So whywait, call today, 1-800-648-2722 to ensure your beach front rooms. We havereserved a block of rooms within the Virginia Beach Resort Hotel for theconference at a special price.

The Teacher's Workshop Summer Institute

How to register: To reserve your place simply complete theregistration form and fax or mail with check of purchase order to:

Teacher's Workshop1250 Overlook RidgeBishop, GA 306211-800-991-1114 or 706-769-1599Fax: (706) 769-4137

State:_____________ Zip:_______________Phone:_____________________________
**Cancellation policy - There is a $50 processing fee for all cancellations.Cancellations must be received 15 days prior to the workshop. No cancellationswill be accepted after this date.

Registration Options

  # Of PeopleTotal
Full 4-Day$375.00____________________
Graduate Course Credit(must accompany 4-day registration)$89.00____________________
Keynote Luncheon$13.00____________________
Total ____________________

Remember: All hotel reservations should be made directlyto:The Virginia Beach Resort Hotel 1-800-468-2722Reserve your rooms today to ensure beach front rooms!!