Marny Sorgen

Speaking/Consultation Areas: Mind, Memory, & Learning; Brain-Compatible Teaching; Learning Styles; Peer Coaching; Effective Instruction

Presentation Style: Well-planned, informative, and entertaining. Fascinating presentation! Solid command of topic.

Marny Sorgen has worked with thousands of teachers and administrators throughout the United States and in Canada, helping them to design and implement practical instructional strategies that help to increase student learning and understanding. She draws from a wealth of background as a classroom teacher and staff development specialist. In addition to her authoritative understanding of current brain research and its application to classroom teaching, Marny brings expertise in effective instruction, classroom management, learning styles, and peer coaching.

Marny holds an M.A. degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of California at Berkeley. She is the co-author (with Dr. Pat Wolfe) of Mind, Memory, and Learning: Implications for the Classroom.