Rita King
Speaking/Consultation Areas:
Creating a positive school climate, motivation, self-esteem,
resilience, strategies for success, dealing with stress, ADHD,
and learning disabilities
Presentation Style: Moving stories from his
own experiences with children with learning problems
Dr. Robert Brooks is one of today's leading speakers on
self-esteem, motivation and family relationships, as they
impact the education setting. Over the past twenty years, Dr.
Brooks has reached out to thousands of educators, parents and
mental health professionals with a message based on
encouragement, resilience and love. Often referred to as the
"Billy Crystal of psychologists," he is renowned for the
warmth and humor he uses to bring his insights and anecdotes
to life. His stories are largely based upon his own
experiences as a clinical psychologist, father, husband and
son. These personal stories -- funny, touching, and
unforgettable -- give Dr. Brooks' presentations a wonderfully
unique dimension that has captivated audiences across the U.S.
and around the world and provided many specific strategies to
enhance our own lives and the lives of children. One person
who had used Dr. Brooks several times indicated, "This
gentleman can turn a lackluster conference into a meaningful
event just by delivering the keynote; this will be the wisest
investment you make in your conference budget!"
The recipient of numerous professional, community and
government awards, Dr. Brooks has served as Director of the
Department of Psychology at McLean Hospital and on the faculty
of Harvard Medical School. He is the author of the recent book
Raising Resilient Children, as well as the PBS video
Look What You've Done! Stories of Hope and Resilience. His other publications include the book
The Self-Esteem Teacher as well as a
sex education book for the young child entitled
So That's How I was Born! He also
co-authored the book
A Pediatric Approach to Learning Disorders, and has published numerous articles and book chapters
related to self-esteem, education, psychological assessment
and psychotherapy. He is frequently cited in publications such
as The New York Times and
The Boston Globe, and has appeared as a regular contributor on television
shows in the Boston area and on national cable television.
Dr. Brooks received his doctorate in clinical psychology from
Clark University and did additional training at the University
of Colorado Medical School. He has published a number of
articles and book chapters related to self-esteem, education,
psychological assessment, and psychotherapy. A preview
videotape is available showing Dr. Brooks interacting with an
audience on the topic of self-esteem enhancement as a violence
prevention strategy.