Presentation Style: Dynamic and Inspiring!
With illustrative examples from his teaching career for
reaching minority students
Dr. Ramsey has served 28 years as a teacher, coach, athletic
director, vice-principal, and principal. Having worked in
education from kindergarten through 12th grade, his
experiences and background enable him to relate to children,
youth, and their families and offer guidance to assist them in
living in our challenging society.
An advocate for children, Ramsey's desire to "make a
difference" is paramount in his work with youth. His success
working with young African-American males has earned him the
respect and admiration of colleagues, students, parents, and
community leaders.
As the founder of Lakeshore Middle School's "Lifelong
Solutions for Male Students," a club whose motto is
Excellence Begins with Me, principal Ramsey was
credited with reducing the out-of-school suspension rate by
80% in two and one-half years and eliminating seven previously
active "gangs."
This nationally known, respected author and gifted speaker has
traveled extensively throughout the United States. His highly
acclaimed messages combine real life experience with humor to
create high quality, high energy programs. His eloquent
delivery and content captivate, empower, motivate, inspire,
and educate the listener.
Richard G. Ramsey conveys a powerful and dynamic message that
remains a unique and memorable life experience. His speeches
create an aura that uplifts all listeners emotionally and
spiritually. Listeners achieve renewed determination, faith,
hope, and love for all mankind. He also works with individual
schools and districts on a long-term basis.
Like a tree, his roots are deeply planted in the soil of
humanity. He touches lives via his speeches and lights a torch
for those who are looking for a way to shine.
Popular presentations by Richard Ramsey include:
- Creating a Climate of Hope
Key Essentials for Motivating the African American Male
- The Power to Win Comes From Within
- Closing the Student Achievement Gap
- Motivating the At-Risk Student
- There is No "I" in Team
- Together We Can Save Our Children
- Keys to Keeping Schools Safe
- Love Them or Lose Them
- Discipline for Success
- Making a Difference is a Team Effort
- Parental Involvement: How Important Is It?
- You've Got the Power