Presentation Style: Friendly, humorous,
enthusiastic, sincere. Knowledgeable but unpretentious.
Steve's genuine love for kids is obvious from the first
moments of each presentation. He brings a day-to-day
practitioner's perspective. His upbeat yet matter-of-fact
style is a hit with teachers.
The Winning Way is a Brain-Based Learning Styles Program
developed by award-winning teacher Steve Hawes. The program is
designed for teachers, by a teacher. Steve has over 20 years
of experience in the classroom and teaching degrees from four
States with successful results and through his exceptional
ideas, he truly believes that all his work and efforts have
led him to his Award-Winning educational program, "The Winning
Way." The program is dedicated to students and teachers who
truly have the desire to learn into the 21st Century. Mr.
Hawes has shared his ideas with thousands of educators and
future educators.
The program includes over 50 Power Tips, Win Hints and 10
Successful Winning Steps by utilizing The Way Box. This
action-based, brain-based program combines Working with
Individuals' Needs, plus Wonder, Anticipation, Yearning for
knowledge, with imagination - bringing back enthusiasm and fun
into education. You will learn new and exciting ways to update
and improve your teaching styles to help guide your students
to a successful future and help them become a true "Winner".
So, jump on board The Brain Train and share in the enjoyment
of being a winning teacher who develops true leaders for
tomorrow's educational needs.
Steve Hawes is a fifth grade teacher at Stanley Switlick
Elementary School in Marathon, Florida. He is also a
motivational speaker and workshop presenter. He was a Who’s
Who American Teacher in 1996, 1998 and 2006.