Rita King

Speaking/Consultation Areas: Multiple Intelligences, Motivation Strategies, Preparing Children for Kindergarten, Effective Learning Environments, The Writing Process, Teaching Reading Skills, Strategies for Test Success

Presentation Style: Special strategies, sense of humor, enthusiasm and genuine desire to foster the love of learning

Rita King is an adjunct professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at Middle Tennessee State University. She has 20 years of teacher-training experience. As principal and director of the university's teacher-training program in the laboratory school, she taught methods courses and conducted demonstration lessons. Rita's doctorate degree is in Education Leadership. Her formal training (ED.D, ED.S., M.A. and B.S.) has been directly related to education and teacher-training.

As an international consultant, Rita conducts training sessions for teachers, administrators and parents on local, state and international levels. Her areas of expertise include multiple intelligences, instruction, motivation strategies, preparing children for kindergarten, creating effective learning environments, the writing process, using content texts and materials to teach reading skills, and strategies for test success.

Rita's sessions give educators and parents innovative, engaging activities to guide students to become self-directed, independent learners. Participants enjoy Rita's special strategies, sense of humor, enthusiasm and genuine desire to foster the love of learning.

Rita co-authored Test Success in the Brain Compatible Classroom, Infusing Reading in the Content Area and Infusing Writing in the Content Area with Carolyn Chapman.