Marilyn J. McGuire
Marilyn J. McGuire
Speaking/Consultation Areas: Violence prevention and intervention, classroom/schoolwide discipline, conflict resolution/mediation, teacher/staff evaluation processes and strategies, teambuilding, and special needs/at-risk students
More About Cooperative Discipline
Presentation Style: Personal/real-life anecdotes asillustrations of key points; practical and specific strategies that arereadily transferable to participant needs
Marilyn McGuire is an experienced educator, an outstanding presenter,and a national and international consultant. Her workshops, presentations,keynote speeches, and custom designed programs consistently receive outstandingevaluations. Marilyn's broad educational experience spans all levels: classroomteacher, special educator, administrator, staff development specialist,and author. This experience coupled with her humorous, practical and engagingstyle makes her a frequently requested speaker for any educational setting.
Marilyn is an accomplished presenter on a variety of topics, which include:discipline, violence prevention and intervention, leadership, conflict resolution/mediation,evaluations of staff, educational standards and assessment, curriculum alignment,team building and development of healthy learning communities. She has publishednumerous articles as well as authored GANGS AND VIOLENCE: School-wideStrategies for Prevention and Intervention, a six-part video seriespublished by American Guidance Service that presents specific skills forteachers and students to create a positive, safe and caring school environment.
Initially trained as a secondary English teacher, Marilyn quickly puther philosophy of life-long learning into practice. In her very first teachingassignment she frequently worked with special needs students that demonstrateda variety of reading and learning difficulties. Her desire to learn moreabout effectively meeting students' needs resulted in her earning a Masterof Science in special education from Portland State University and a ReadingSpecialist degree from Western Washington University. She then went on toearn K-12 administrator credentials while working as a staff developmentspecialist. Marilyn has received numerous honors and awards. She was principalof a nationally recognized elementary school and received a district-wideaward, nominated by her staff, as "a shining example to all of us."
As an independent consultant, Marilyn has worked with teachers, administrators,parents, and community members in the United States and in Europe. Her goalas a consultant is to make a contribution to the creation and maintenanceof a positive, safe, caring and encouraging environment in our schools.Your audiences will appreciate and enjoy her user-friendly, immediatelyapplicable strategies, presented from the perspective of someone who haswalked her talk.