Vickie Scheer
Speaking/Consultation Areas: Differentiated Instruction - Communication and Diverstity; Discipline: A Total Approach, Discipline with Unity (Countywide/Schoolwide Model); Parents: The Original Homeroom Teacher; Discipline Success Strategies for Classroom Teachers and Paraprofessionals; Staff Development Implementation (Using Quality Tools and S.M.A.R.T. goals); Mentoring New Teachers/Coaching Teacher MentorsPresentation Style: Dynamic, interactive, well-paced, personal warmth, hands-on, user-friendly strategies.
Vickie Scheer has been a classroom teacher (elementary, middle school, high school, L.D., and Gifted) for over 25 years. She is currently a full-time staff development specialist in Fulton County, Georgia (80,000+ students), where she writes, teaches, and coordinates management, discipline, diversity (peer diversity) and teacher-mentoring classes. She is also an adjunct instructor at Georgia State University, teaching alternative certification classes for new teachers who have bachelors degrees in areas other than education.
She is a national trainer for D.A.T.A. (Discipline: A Total Approach), a model that has been used in all discipline classes and workshops in Fulton County. She has taught and coordinated the implementation of all Teacher Support Specialist classes that allow veteran teachers to assess their competencies, develop coaching skills, and model best practices as they mentor new teachers.
Vickie was recently presented with the Anti-Defamation League's "Unsung Hero" award for her work in peer diversity training for Fulton County.
Mentoring First Year Teachers: A Framework for New Teacher Induction
Teaching is an extremely challenging and isolated profession. 34% of all teachers leave the profession within the first five years. Research indicates that successful teacher induction programs help new teachers avoid mistakes, thereby enhancing professional competence and increasing job satisfaction.
Vickie Scheer presents a model teacher induction program provides novice teachers with effective techniques that are crucial to their success in the classroom. This model, used successfully with 17 teachers with zero experience in an elementary school and based on the work of India Posden, serves as a format for all schools wanting to impact teacher retention.
Vickie has trained over 770 veteran teachers to become Teacher Support Specialists.