Starting to use the WWW (World Wide Web)

Available Software

lynx (UNIX): Text-only Web browser, with only simple formatting and no embedded images or sounds (this makes it very fast and ideal for use over modems). xmosaic (UNIX - XWindows): Well designed Web browser with fill support for styles, images, sounds, and interactive forms. NCSA Mosaic (Macintosh): Personal Web browser with support for styles, images, and sounds. It is the recommended Web client because of its functionality and accessibility. Mosaic Netscape (Macintosh, Windows): Related to NCSA Mosaic, but with many improvements and bug fixes. The current release of the software is a free on a trial basis and for nonprofits and education institutions.


Each page on the Web appears as a complex document that integrates styled text, images, sounds, and animations. Such page may also contain hyperlinks to other Web documents such that clicking on these hyperlinks jumps you to a new page on the same or different Web server.

Basic Concepts

World Wide Web, WWW: The online collection of documents that are interconnected by hyperlinks, forming a virtual "web" that spans the Internet. A Page: Any document on the Web. Home Page: The document that provides a starting point or organizational center for any collection of documents. Personal Home Page: A document that describes the owner, such as interests, activities, and more. Such a page often has links to other pages of interest. HyperText: Any text that contains hyperlinks to other documents. HyperLink: A word or phrase that is identifiable from surrounding text. Clicking on such text will bring up the destination document that it is "linked" to. Standard hypertext appears a underlined text, in either Blue (untraversed) or Red (traversed). HotLink: When a user finds a document that contains interesting or useful data, he can save the information to find that document again into a special list of hyperlinks known as hotlinks. HyperText Markup Language, HTML: Documents placed onto the Web are created using HTML, a language which describes the layout, contents, and links of such documents. HTML files are simple text files with embedded style tags, and currently there are no native HTML editors. HyperText Transport Protocol, HTTP: A network communications protocol for identifying, sending, and receiving Web documents. Browser: Client software for viewing Web documents and navigating hyperlinks to other documents. Helper Application: If a browser does not support an embedded image or sound format, it may use a second software package to open and view the embedded file. Uniform Resource Locator, URL: These provide a uniform naming convention to a wide array of Internet services such as Electronic Mail, Network News, Gopher, and WWW. Back to Teaching via the Internet home page
For more information
Teacher's Workshop 1250 Overlook Ridge Bishop, GA 30621
Call: 1-800-991-1114
Email us at: [email protected]