Ratings by Participants
This 4-day conference event was held on June 20-June 23, 1999, in Virginia Beach Virginia, with 172 persons in attendance. Below is the tally of session ratings by participants, along with written positive/negative comments on overall conference quality.
Sessions- 1 indicates "Needs Improvement" and 5 indicates "Excellent."
Mr. Ron Walker | Sunday Session (Keynote) Sunday Session Monday Session Monday Session | 4.9 5 4.8 4.8 |
Ms. Marilyn McGuire | Sunday Session Monday Session Monday Session Tuesday Session | 4.3 4.6 4.6 4.9 |
Dr. William Bender | Sunday Session Wednesday Session Wednesday Session | 4.9 4.3 5 |
Ms. Daphene Paxton | Monday Session Tuesday Session Wednesday Session Wednesday Session | 4.1 4 4.2 4.3 |
Dr. Richard Ramsey | Tuesday Session Wednesday Session Wednesday Session | 4.4 5 5 |
Dr. Linda Albert | Tuesday Session Tuesday Session | 4.3 4.1 |
Written positive and negative comments on the overall conference.
"The speakers were excellent. I am very pleased with the information presented to me. I look forward to putting the information to use.
"It was a wonderful workshop."
This Teacher's Workshop falls into the category of one of the best; starting on the stated time, holding the participants attention and holding with humor!"
"This was an excellent workshop. Speakers were experienced with a strong command of their subject. One scheduling adjustment might be to have Linda Albert present her Cooperative Discipline workshop before Marilyn McGuire since Linda's was the foundation for the other."
I enjoyed the workshop immensely! The calibre was excellenet and the presenters were able to hold one's attention for the 3 hour time blocks. It is great to be able to "fly" away with concrete strategies I can use in my classroom and in my school. I sat in awe at the number of teachers and support people who work with alternative kids and programs. It is obviously a growing area which the the U.S. has had to address and has appeared to have done successfully in a number of states. The Canadian Atlantic Provices area just hitting the tip of the iceberg in this problematic phenomenon after much push by our teaching federations. You have had six years and we out in New Brunswick are just beginning. I would have liked to have taken in all the presenter's total sessions because of the value of each. However, as many of them stated-we are given choices-and choose we must. The total package of information (registration) was given to our District Office. They obviously decided not to act on it. BIG MISTAKE!!! You have had a great deal to offer us, a great deal to reflect upon, a great deal to act upon. My one regret is that I didn't notify our Dept. of Education-perhaps more of us Canucks would have travelled south at this time. Many Thanks."
"Very informative and worthwhile. Gave information needed to help children in today's world. Dr. Ramsey should have been at the beginning, middle, and end so that everyone would have had the opportunity to hear him. He is truly an inspiration to everyone in all kinds of schools all over the country."
"Excellent speakers and many opportunities to purchase books. Very good handouts to take back to staff. However, I found this hotel too disconnected for a workshop. A hospitality suite for teachers to network would have been nice. Poolside to meet was too small and pooly set up (as it was not inviting the way it was set up). I talked to several teachers attending this workshop and they felt this was an expensive workshop to attend for what was provided. Something should have been organized each day after the sessions where teachers could relax and get to know each other. The luncheon on Sunday could have been sandwiches and sweets, etc from 11:30 - 12:30 with a keynote speaker or more of a meet and greet time set up to mingle and network as people arrived (might have been less expensive). More group activities help you meet other others. I didn't see any real Virginia hospitality. I am aware many came with families but many teachers need the opportunity to exchange ideas on a social basis when you travel from afar."
"Good - have other handouts available for workshops not available for attending, due to schedule."
"Possibly the best workshop I have attended this year."
"Very good."
"I am taking away a number of useful, practical strategies to use in my classroom as far as behavior management."
"Excellent presentations - I really appreciated the personal touch."
"Great information - certainly will use in August."
"Table talk was interesting and also Participant Presentations. PAR was great, and had a wealth of information, and examples to take back and explore. Dr. Ramsey is such a good Motivational speaker! I went BACK a 2ND time!! He made me want to leave--to put his ideas in Motion!! Great presention."
"Excellent, sessions a little long for me-hard to sit and focus that amount of time."
"Ron Walker was great."
"Very good, there appears to be more respect for education and educators in the south than in the north."
"Outstanding-you all were very accommodating, will definitely see you in Savannah and back next June at Virginia Beach. Thank you for making me a part of your workshop and not feel a part from it. Please avoid pork lunches due to religious concerns."
"Great! (I didn't feel connected until the last day of workshop-perhaps a better get to know you activity.)"
"The way the sessions were presented was outstanding. Information was enlightening and refreshing. I look forward to attending more."
"Very good."
"Lots of things I can take and adapt and use."
"Excellent, other than a couple of things out of your control, i.e., the temp in the rooms, and breakdown of equipment (visual)."
"Outstanding, great topics, very useful information."
"Good-I see a lot of potential for improvement-maybe separation of elementary, and secondary, and would recommend it to others."
"I was impressed and pleased with the organization, variety of topics, the quality of presentations and presenters as well as the friendliness, of all associated with "The Teacher's Workshop", thank you for making this conference both, professionally and personally rewarding. I look forward to attending future conferences!"
"Great, friendly, informative atmosphere."
"It was difficult at times to focus with the construction, when car was parked by valet we had little access to our cars, have variety for breakfast."
"I felt Dr. Ramsey's presentation needs more substance and less "Jive", many of his stories were unbelievable-75 gang members in his office at one time daily for a week?? His handout also had approximately 20 grammatical errors. This is not a good reflection of the overall quality of this workshop conference."