Please let us hear from you about your approach to performance assessment! Results compiled from this brief survey will be reported during the Teacher's Workshop Performance Assessment and Standards series, a satellite telecourse series airing November 4 and December 2, 1999.

Responding is easy! Just click on the circle beside your response to each question. When you are done, click on SUBMIT.

1. What is the relationship between state or national standards and assessment in your school?

a. Teachers feel pressure to teach specifically to the standardized tests at the expense of other instruction.

b. Teachers are given considerable freedom to decide how they will cover content in order to meet standards.

c. State or national standards have not been emphasized.

2. In the teaching culture of your school, assessment is viewed primarily as a means of:

a. Satisfying external standards

b. Measuring learning

c. Promoting better learning

d. Categorizing students

3. How would you best describe your approach to classroom assessment up to this point?

a. Traditional assignments, tests, grades

b. Mostly portfolio-based

c. As much performance-based assessment as possible

4. What would you most like to improve upon in your teaching?

a. Authentic Learning/Authentic Assessment

b. Creating specific performance-based lessons

c. Portfolio-based assessment

d. Devising rubrics