Please let us hear your opinion on school reform! Results compiled from this survey will be reported during the School Reform: What it Means for Teachers teleconference series, airing November 7 and 21, 1996. Responding is easy! Just click on the circle beside the response you prefer to each question, and then click on SUBMIT.

1. As an educator, has your experience with school reform efforts overallbeen positive or negative? Positive Negative has not affected me directly 2. Would you participate if you were invited to serve on a site-based management committee at your school? I would accept. I'm already too busy. I would not expect the committee's decisions to be taken seriously, so I would not accept. I would not expect the committee's decisions to be taken seriously, but I would accept anyway. 3. What school reform innovations would you like to see implemented at your school? site-based manageement total quality management a professional development school democratic governance

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