Please let us hear from you about your experience with multiple intelligences! Results compiled from this survey will be reported during the Multiple Intelligences teleconference series, airing March 6 & 20, 1997. Responding is easy! Just click on the circle beside your response to each question. When you are done, click on SUBMIT.
1. What would you say is your strongest intelligence personally?
a. Verbal-Linguistic b. Visual-Spatial c. InterPersonal d. IntraPersonal e. Logical-Matehmatical f. Bodily-Kinesthetic g. Musical h. Naturalist
2. Which intelligence would you say is the hardest to "bring out" or accommodate in your classroom?
3. Is your teaching characterized more by building on student strengths or by helping them to catch up in their weak areas?
a. I teach more to strengths b. I teach more to weak areas
4. Is your administration supportive of using Multiple Intelligences as a basis for assessment?
a. Yes b. No c. Issue not raised yet