Let us hear from you about your approach to discipline and character education! Results compiled from this brief survey will be reported during the Teacher's Workshop series Discipline for Difficult Students, a satellite telecourse series airing October 5 and November 9, 2000.
Responding is easy! Just click on the circle beside your response to each question. When you are done, click on SUBMIT.
1. Can classroom discipline be positively affected by character education programs?
a. Yes, I Think So b. Not Really c. Not Sure
2. Is your school district implementing a character education program?
a. Yes b. No c. Will Implement in the Near Future d. Not Sure
3. How would you feel about comparing ideas on classroom management and character education with an e-mail resource group of educators from around the country and abroad?
a. I am interested and would like to try it b. I am interested but have concerns c. I don't think I have time d. I don't have an e-mail account e. Not interested
For those of you who would like to try this kind of resource, this is your invitation to join the Teacher's Workshop listserv! Participation in the Teacher's Workshop listserv is free of charge for our customers. To subscribe, please visit <www.teachersworkshop.com/twshop/listserv.html>.