Professional Resources for Educators

Books and Videotapes
Selected Topics

Toody Byrd Talks and Talks and Talks by Toody Byrd

"Every once in awhile you run across someone who speaks from the heart, with great wisdom and common sense." Toody Byrd adds her priceless sense of humor and saucy wit to all of the above. This delightful book gives all of us a chance to take Toody's cutting wit and healing wisdom home with us. A good dose of "chicken soup" for any educator's soul. $12.50 U.S.

Toody Byrd Talks

Building a Quality School: A Matter of Responsibility Video featuring William Glasser, MD

Building a Quality School

Dr. William Glasser, world-renowned lecturer and author, provides an insightful and informative presentation on Building a Quality School. This revised edition provides the viewer with the latest information on how the punishment/reward system used in schools has led to failure, and how Choice Theory provides students and teachers with the means to bring about a school environment which is driven by quality. $99.00 U.S.

Developing The Gifts & Talents of All Students: The Schoolwide Enrichment Model Video featuring Joseph S. Renzulli

The major purpose of the Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM) is to develop the gifts, and talents of all students by using gifted education teaching practices with all students. Based on more than 15 years of research, major features of SEM include the Total Talent Portfolio, high standards, specific strategies for modifying and differentiating the curriculum, and a hands-on approach to three types of enrichment. $99.95 U.S.

Developing the Gifts

Grant Writing for Teachers Video featuring Sheila Perry and Daphene Paxton

Grant Writing

Today's teachers must look to every possible source for funding of special projects as well as technology for the classroom. This complete two-hour staff development workshop, featuring two remarkably successful grant writers, covers the various components of a grant proposal with activities for each, sample grant forms, testimonials, and an added focus on non-grant fundraising. 2-hour videotape, curriculum materials, vinyl storage case. $99.95 U.S.

Linking Medicine & Education for the Child with Special Needs Video featuring Bruce Buehler, MD

Dr. Bruce Buehler of the University of Nebraska Medical Center hosts a dynamic and highly informative presentation linking "what we know" in the field of medicine with "how we teach" children with special healthcare needs in our nation's schools. Topics include neuroscience, prenatal influences and prevention, developmental disabilities, medication and attention disorders, and the team approach. $99.95 U.S.

Linking Medicine & Education