Teachers' Safety

Have your teachers received instructions on dealing with a hostage crisis? Ms. Mickie Mathes and Mr. Steven Sorrell share their experiences, as wlel as specific guidelines for this type of situation. U.S. Secretary of Education Richard Riley describes federal efforts at decreasing school violence. Ms. Kimmie Tomlinson presents the Kimmie's Kids model for violence prevention. Police Officer Joey Woods shares insights on gang symbols teachers should know.
2 videos, manual, curriculum materials

$99.95 U.S.

Schools Respond To Violence: Videotape I

Renet L. Bender, Ph.D. & William N. Bender, Ph.D.

Parameters of Violence In Schools Dr. William N. Bender

Who Are These Kids? An Interview With Rachael

Solutions To Violence: Three Approaches Dr. Duncan Waite

The Safe School Legislation: An Interview with Richard Riley, US Secretary of Education

Kimmie 's Kids: A Peer Mediation Model Kimmie Tomlinson, Teacher

Strategies for Personal Safety Assistant Chief of Police Connie Sampson

Teacher's And Student's Safety: Videotape II

Renet L Bender, Ph D. & William N. Bender, Ph.D.

Difficult Situations Dr. William N. Bender

Facing A Hostage Situation: A Real World Example Mr. Steven Sorrell, Principal

Managing Yourself in a Hostage Crisis Dr. Mickie Mathes

Gang Symbols Teachers Should Know Police Officer Joey Woods

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