William N. Bender, Ph.D.

William N. Bender with Secretary of Education William Riley

Speaking/Consultation Areas: ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Relational Discipline, Technology In the Classroom, Distance Education Strategic Planning, Reducing School Violence, Inclusion

Presentation Style: Down-to-earth humor, personal anecdotes, and specific practical, classroom-oriented strategies

Sample Reference/Evaluation

Dr. William N. Bender has done keynote presentations, as well as half day, full day, or week long workshops, and evaluations of these suggest that he is highly regarded as a speaker. His down-to-earth style and easy humor make him an appropriate choice for any education audience, and numerous groups have used him for repeated speaking engagements. He believes that his job in speaking to educators is to inform, to entertain, and to motivate, and his collection of personal anecdotes from schools nationwide is quite extensive. Your audiences will enjoy his humor, as well as the practical focus of his presentations.

Initially, Dr. Bender taught in a junior high resource class, workingwith adolescents with behavioral disorders and learning disabilities forseveral years before receiving his Ph.D. in special education at the Universityof North Carolina in 1983. Since that time, he has taught at Bluefield StateCollege in West Virginia, Rutgers University in New Jersey, and the Universityof Georgia, where he currently serves as associate professor in the Departmentof Special Education.

Dr. Bender's research includes over 50 published research articles and eight books on a fairly wide range of topics in psychology and education. Most of his published research is in the area of social, emotional, and behavioral development of individuals with learning disabilities, behavioral disorders, and/or attention deficit hyperactivity disorders. He is noted for his books, Learning Disabilities: Characteristics, Identification, and Teaching Strategies, which is now in its fourth edition, and Understanding ADHD: A Practical Guide for Teachers and Parents. His most recent book is Violence Prevention and Reduction in Schools, co-edited with Greg Clinton and Renet Bender, and his newest book project, Relational Discipline for In-Your-Face Kids, is slated to be published in late 2001.

Dr. Bender is also widely recognized as a national leader in distanceeducation, with extensive experience in both instructional television systemsand telesatellite systems. His national and international visibility stemfrom his distance education work as well as his extensive speaking and consultingschedule. He is the on-the-air moderator for a teacher inservice telesatelliteseries with the National University Telecommunications Network, with topics including technology in the classroom, inclusive schooling, classroom discipline,attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, stopping school violence, and many others.Finally, Dr. Bender has hosted a weekly topical series on Georgia Publictelevision, Education Today. This seriesprovided Dr. Bender the opportunity to meet and interview national leadersin education including US Secretary of Education Richard Riley, Georgia Governor Zell Miller, and numerous others.

Dr. Bender's consultation work includes numerous consultations with specificclients, some court testimony work, consultations on distance educationplanning, and serving as grant evaluator for outside grant evaluations.

Speaking engagements have been many and varied over Dr. Bender's career,and he is more than happy to tailor his remarks and insights to the needsof your particular audience. Topics which Dr. Bender has presented on recently include:

Dr. Bender will be more than happy to talk with you about your topicand needs. Evaluations of workshops conducted by Dr. Bender are availableupon request.