Why Should Higher Education Institutions Work With NUTN and The Teacher's Workshop?

Renet L Bender, Ph.D.

Colleges and universities can build a continuing series of high quality inservice courses and staff development opportunities for teachers based on cost recovery for the telecasts. The Teacher's Workshop offers these stand alone telecasts, as well as ideas for post-telecast presentations which couple distance education with local presentations and question/answer periods for the most effective combination for staff development. Your audience may pay a small fee for the staff development, you may generate recertification credit, or you may wish to generate your own course credit. Package pricing is available for the entire series. This may offer your college or university a high quality opportunity for continuing staff development over the years.

What Is Being Offered?

The Teacher's Workshop conducts numerous high quality telecasts each year on various topics. For the 2000/2001 season, telecasts are planned on the following topics. Of course, our customers are partners with us in planning, and we want to hear your ideas about staff develop needs.

  • "Discipline for Difficult Students"
  • "Brain-Compatible Teaching in the Next Century"
  • Contact the Teacher's Workshop today for more information: 1-800-991-1114.